An increasing number of Swedes is at risk of poverty, according to the findings of a new survey released by Statistics Sweden on February 16.
The research shows the number of people at risk of living in poverty in Sweden has risen from 13% in 2008, to 16% in 2016, according to EU’s definition.
As reported by The Local, however, the in-work-poverty rate [the working poor, people who are employed but still fall below the threshold] has remained at a relatively stable level of 7% in recent years.
“In Sweden, it is more common that young people, single parents with children and foreign-born people have a low income despite being in work,” Statistics Sweden said.
According to the EU, a person is at risk of living in poverty if the disposable income per consumption unit in a household is below 60% of the national median value.
In 2016, the median income among Swedish singles was 172,000 kronor per year, while cohabiting parents with children was 275,000 kronor per year.