Czech PM Petr Fiala warns about security risks after Babiš allied with Patriots

Petr Fiala @P_Fiala

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, a fervent supporter of the EU’s backing for Ukraine, has sounded the alarm about the Patriots for Europe group. He warns that this group, which includes allies and supporters of Vladimir Putin in Europe, could pose significant security risks for the Czech Republic and the EU. Notably, populist former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš is among the founders of the group. The Patriots also include allies and supporters of Putin in Europe, such as French Marine Le Pen, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán and Austrian Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ)’s Herbert Kickl.

Fiala accused Babiš that his ANO party hid “from their voters before the elections to the European Parliament and that they would join forces with those who go against the interests of Czech citizens”.

Fiala emphasised that the new ANO’s European allies want to prevent the Czech Republic from building nuclear power plants and cancel the free movement of people and capital in the EU. This, he warns, could harm Czech companies and their employees.

Fiala also accused the Patriots for Europe of actively acting in the interests of Russia against the interests of democratic Europe and its security.

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