The Collapse of the Trump Regime

Widespread demonstrations are occurring in almost all major cities and even in the rural areas. In the biggest cities numerous demonstrations are being held...

This Time The Demonstrations Must Not Be Ignored

Some may look at the protests around the US and ask how did this happen, but the more astute among us should be wondering...

It’s the Racism, Stupid

One of Bill Clinton’s unofficial campaign slogans during his successful 1992 campaign for president was “It’s the economy, stupid.” Since then, that slogan has...

Deus Ex Machinas Will Still Not Rescue Us from Trump

Since Donald Trump was elected president in November of 2016, many of his critics and opponents have convinced themselves that the end of his...

If We Are All Warriors Now, Maybe We Should be Treated That Way

Last week as Donald Trump seemed to be all but giving up on an actual plan to combat Covid-19, he pivoted to declaring victory...

