EU completes ratification of ambitious trade agreement with New Zealand

The EU has completed political procedures ratifying the ambitious free trade agreement (FTA) with New Zealand today. The decision by the Council of the...

Russian diamonds: New EU sanctions against Kremlin should not bypass the Lukashenko regime, the democratic opposition says

The European Union plans to ban trade in Russian diamonds as part of the 12th package of sanctions. However, these plans do not include...

EU decides to unblock first recovery funds to Poland

Poland received by the European Commission a positive assessment for its revised recovery plan and due to the positive assessment, it will receive €5.1...

EU lawmakers reject a proposal for the sustainable use of chemical pesticides

Today, the European Parliament failed to reach a consensus on the regulation of sustainable use of plant protection products (SUR) after months of negotiations....

Deal on boosting EU police cooperation with more efficient data exchanges

On Monday evening, negotiating teams from the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached a provisional agreement on automated data searches between...

