Why Jeremy Corbyn will back second Brexit vote

If his Labour Party votes to pursue a second Brexit vote, Jeremy Corbyn will back it. Up to now, he has been objecting a...

Spain hopeful on Gibraltar Brexit deal

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is reportedly hopeful of reaching a deal on the issue of Gibraltar – the British overseas territory, which is...

EU threatens no Brexit deal, pushes October agreement

European Union leaders are playing hard ball with Prime Minister Theresa May. On September 20, they warned May if she does not give ground...

Weber doesn’t want hard border in Northern Ireland

A hard border in Northern Ireland must be avoided, Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament told a German...

Italian PM calls on EU to avoid another ‘Diciotti case’

To avoid more tense standoffs with Rome in the future, Italy’s Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte called on the European Union to address the problem...

