EPP discusses the plight of Christians in Syria

The European People’s Party (EPP) Group in the European Parliament discussed on March 1 the situation of Christian minorities in Syria who have been...

Belarus editor at the European Parliament

European Parliament Vice-President Pavel Telička, who represents the Czech Republic and is responsible for human rights and democracy, met in Brussels on February 28...

S&D: America first policy is leading the world trade into a wall

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today strongly condemned President Donald Trump’s announcement to impose heavy tariffs on imports of steel and aluminium,...

MEPs tackle hate speech, uphold fundamental rights

Members of the European Parliament on March 1 condemned the normalisation of hate speech sponsored by authorities, political parties and political leaders. A non-legislative resolution,...

A ‘victory’ for white-collar crime

Intermediaries promoting aggressive, cross-border tax schemes must report those plans to authorities, after MEPs gave their backing to new proposals on March 1. They...

