EU Elections 2019: Progressive Front against Neoliberalism and the Far-Right

The coming European Elections are considered as the most crucial ones for the future of the European project. The progressive forces need to tackle...

Greece: Forty lists for 21 seats in the EP

1,195 candidates are standing for election on 40 different lists, according to the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court of Greece (Areios Pagos) who finalised...

Caritas Europa: Families count on Europe!

On the occasion of International Day of Families, less than two weeks from the European elections, Caritas Europa calls on the European Parliament candidates...

European Elections: Former ministers run outside their own countries

Former Italian EU minister Sandro Gozi is 22nd on the European Election list for the French governing party La République en marche, in France. Gozi...

The darkest side of Dark Europe: Neo-Nazis in the European Parliament

What was perceived as far right many years ago – from the end of World War Two to the 1980s – was actually made...

