Viktor Orban confirmed his grip to power on a Eurosceptic and xenophobic platform

With just under a 50% share of the vote, Hungary’s ruling Fidesz secured a triumphant victory and Viktor Orban confirmed his unshakable grip to...

Hungary’s MEP Tibor Szanyi talks Europe

As Hungarians prepare to go to the polls on April 8 – in an election that is expected to see Prime Minister Viktor Orban...

Mixed views about Hungary’s future

It is almost certain that Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban will win a third consecutive term in the upcoming April 8 elections. What’s not...

Why Hungary won’t rush to join euro zone

Hungary’s Economy Minister Mihaly Varga has said his country is in no rush to join the euro zone. “Like the Czechs or the Poles, we...

Economic warning for Hungary

Hungary’s GDP is expected to grow 3.8% with construction slowing, even though agriculture will see some improvement, according to the economic research institute GKI. Last...

