Rule of law ‘breaking down’ in Malta

The rule of law in Malta in breaking down and the government is trying to silence dissenters. This is according to the Democratic Party...

Malta ‘more’ corrupt than other EU member states

Malta may have improved its ranking – by one place – on a Transparency International index, but it is still considered of the “more”...

MEPs vote for media freedom

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, the European Parliament approved a non-legislative resolution calling on European Union member states to “create...

GUE/NGL: Internet giants cannot be trusted to monitor online content

‘Fake news’ should not be used to discredit or to criminalise critical voices, MEP Barbara Spinelli (Independent, Italy) warned ahead of the vote today in...

Press freedom in trouble in Europe

Hostility toward journalists and media poses a serious threat to democracies around the world, including within Europe, the media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF)...

