Malta: Electronic counting of the votes for the first time

Malta will be carrying out electronic counting of the votes for the first time. Previously all elections in the country have had manual counts. With...

Maltese citizens support the European Parliament

With an average turnout of 78,66% for the last three European elections since it became an EU member state, Malta is by far the...

Alfred Sant: Malta is at the forefront in promoting Blockchain technologies

Following the speech of the French Minister of the Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire at the "Paris Blockchain Conference" on the 15 April,...

Civil society organisations struggle to operate in an increasingly unfriendly Europe

The EESC recommends measures against EU countries with authoritarian governments and proposes to have undemocratic political parties excluded from the European Parliament The European Economic...

Malta and Slovakia: EP warns of lack of judicial independence and corruption

MEPs deplore serious shortcomings in the rule of law in Malta and Slovakia, also warning of rising threats for journalists throughout the EU. Parliament passed...

