Moscovici warns Italy ahead of election

The situation in Italy is one of the “political risks” on the horizon for the European Union ahead of the country’s March 4 general...

Czech watchdog checks forestry spending

The Czech Republic’s Supreme Audit Office on January 15 conducted a review of how national and European funds have been spent on projects aimed...

Brexit: MEPs concerned over UK priorities

The European Parliament agreed on January 15 that progress has been made in Brexit negotiations, but MEPs stressed the hardest part of the talks...

Tusk tells Britain it’s not too late for a “change of heart”

Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that Brexit is reversible, despite the countdown for the exit in March 2019. Addressing Members of the European Parliament, the...

Sweden gets new authority to counter disinformation

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced the creation of a “psychological defence” to counter disinformation and boost the population’s resilience. He was speaking at...

