MEPs: Need to change wolves’ protection status to save livestock

The European Parliament calls on the Commission to mitigate the protection status of wolves and bears, to save livestock. In a resolution adopted on Thursday...

MEPs: All illegal trade in wildlife should be eliminated by 2025

To better protect endangered species, MEPs call for increased efforts ahead of the UN meeting on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna...

AfD counts on wolves to increase votes

State conservation programmes seek to mitigate climate change effects, one of which is biodiversity loss. Biodiversity restoration implies the introduction of extinct species. However,...

European climate migrants also exist

Although the popular image of climate migrants involves poor people in poor countries, Europeans are increasingly being pushed out of their homes and forced...

Gas companies look set to pollute Europe’s recovery fund

A vote in the European Parliament this week opened the door to new fossil gas projects in the European Union’s recovery fund. With the...

