European Greens try to save Bulgaria’s Pirin National Park

The European Greens are backing Bulgarians who have taken to the streets to protest against their government’s decision to expand the Bansko ski resort....

EU moves away from fossil fuels

The European Union is building on its commitment to make a clean energy transition, leaving behind an economy driven by fossil fuels. The Coal Regions...

New EU rules for safer and cleaner cars

The quality level and independence of vehicle type-approval and testing will be raised and checks of cars that are already on the EU market...

French say ‘non’ to weed-killer glyphosate

France will vote against a five-year extension of the license for weed-killer glyphosate that the European Commission is slated to propose on November 27....

Meet the EU’s biggest importer of… insects

The Netherlands spends more money than any other European Union country to import insects, according to new data published by Statistics Netherlands. For instance, in...

