Immigrants in Finland face discrimination

Laws and policies are inadequately protecting the people they are meant to serve, according to Michael O’Flaherty, the director of the European Union Agency...

EU moves away from fossil fuels

The European Union is building on its commitment to make a clean energy transition, leaving behind an economy driven by fossil fuels. The Coal Regions...

New EU rules for safer and cleaner cars

The quality level and independence of vehicle type-approval and testing will be raised and checks of cars that are already on the EU market...

French say ‘non’ to weed-killer glyphosate

France will vote against a five-year extension of the license for weed-killer glyphosate that the European Commission is slated to propose on November 27....

US says Rohingya suffered ‘horrendous atrocities’

Myanmar's military action against the minority Muslim Rohingya population constitutes ethnic cleansing, according to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. He said the Rohingya...

