Alessio Scopelliti: Salvini gains voters both in government and in opposition

Last August the leader of the far-right League party provoked a government crisis in Italy by withdrawing his party’s support to the governing coalition....

Interview with Oula Silvennoinen: Why it’s worrying to party with the far right

Finland’s strong far right party is known for defending policies against immigrants and other vulnerable groups. But it’s also known for pushing an anti-EU...

Anka Mrak-Taritaš: The only way forward is through EU accession of all of the former Yugoslav states

Croatia is the youngest EU member state, and together with Slovenia, is a former republic of Yugoslavia to enter the European house. Nevertheless, Croatia is...

Hristo Ivanov: Bulgaria is a text-book example of what is termed “captured state”

Over the last five years, the European Commission has had to address several cases of breaching the rule of law, as well as rampant...

GRECO’s Executive Secretary: «Immunity must not result in impunity»

When the country is mired in corruption, national anticorruption agencies are practically powerless. Then international organizations come to the rescue. One of the most...

