Can Turkey-EU relations be normal again?

In the last year, Turkey-EU relations took a spectacular nose dive, following several years of gradual decline. After a year of such acrimony, can...

On the road to market surveillance of cars in EU

Following more than two years of hard work, we finally made an agreement on the new rules for type approval of vehicles and a...

Erdogan’s Power Game: Divide and Rule

Turkey has been going through a catastrophic period since the launch in December 2013 of a corruption probe into President Erdogan’s family and members...

Trump’s Christmas Non-Surprise

Over the last few months, and particularly in the last weeks, the Republican strategy to undermine the Mueller investigation has begun to bear fruit....

When songbird make black money

Autumn 2017 marked another bloody season for Cyprus’ songbirds. Their mass slaughter – a savage practice – is popular in several parts of the...

