We must protect Afghans’ human rights, says Chair of Human Rights Subcommittee

As the security situation in Afghanistan changes rapidly, Maria Arena, Chairwoman of the Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights, issued the following statement. “I strongly condemn...

Afghanistan: lead MEPs demand safe departure of EU nationals and Afghan partners and urgent tackling of humanitarian crisis

After the dramatic developments of the last days and hours, leading MEPs issued the following statement on Monday. "We deeply deplore the recent political, military...

Afghanistan crisis: Safety of Afghan women and girls must be fundamental EU priority

Reacting to rapid developments on the ground in Afghanistan, Evelyn Regner, the Chair of the European Parliament’s committee on women’s rights and gender equality...

Afghanistan: ‘Failed state’ scenario has to be avoided

With the withdrawal of international troops, Afghanistan finds itself at a critical juncture, and the achievements of the past 20 years are under threat. Parliament...

European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic discuss human rights

Representatives of the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic met on 27 May 2019 in Brussels to discuss human rights issues and cooperation in...

