German Foreign Minister Baerbock travels to Latin America

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is travelling to Latin America from 4 to 9 June. Labour Minister Hubertus Heil is joining her as she visits...

Bernd Lange on TTC: “Good to continue our engagement, but missed opportunities are disappointing”

The EU-US Trade and Technology Council was set up in June 2021 to strengthen cooperation between the EU and the United States in trade, technology and standards, based...

S&Ds: Another far-right government blocking Post-Cotonou Agreement

The S&D Group in the European Parliament deplores the decision of the Polish government to veto the approval of the long-awaited Post-Cotonou Agreement and calls...

Guatemala: European Union deploys an Election Observation Mission

In response to an invitation by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the European Union has decided to deploy an EU Election Observation Mission (EOM)...

MEPs attend global talks to stop trade in endangered species

MEP’s participate in the World Wildlife Conference in Panama to put forward Parliament’s position that all trade in wild fauna and flora should be...

