Aldi’s Banana Gate: The Cost of Buying Cheap

Producers from seven Latin American countries condemned the German retailer’s decision to cut the price per box for 2021. The price cut has created...

Nicaragua: MEPs demand an end to repression of political opponents

The Nicaraguan government must end the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protesters and the political opposition MEPs urge the Nicaraguan government to end the ongoing crackdown...

EuroLat: serious concern about migration and trade protectionism

The worsening migration situation in Latin America and Europe worries parliamentarians in both regions, who also warn against increasing trade protectionism. In a joint declaration...

Guatemala must combat corruption and impunity

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution taking stock of corruption in Guatemala. MEPs express their deep concern at the increased number of killings,...

EPP Group backs €93.1 billion for Instrument for NDICI

From 2021 onwards, the new Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) will streamline the financing of EU activities in its immediate neighbourhood, as...

