Three Questions that Should be Asked at the Debate-But Won’t

On Thursday night, ten Democratic candidates will gather for the third official debate of this primary season. This debate will only be one night...

The Danger of the Democratic Resume Insider Candidate

What do Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphrey have in common? If you answered all were Democratic presidential nominees...

The State of the Race as Summer Winds Down

In the last few weeks, Seth Moulton, John Hickenlooper, Kirsten Gillibrand and Jay Inslee have dropped out of the Democratic primary campaign for president....

Right Wing Fear of 1619

Over the last week or so the New York Times has been running a series of feature articles called The 1619 Project confronting the...

Democracy and the Second Amendment

The terrible killings in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton have reignited the debate around gun regulations in the US. This debate has never fully...

