Erdogan’s Power Game: Divide and Rule

Turkey has been going through a catastrophic period since the launch in December 2013 of a corruption probe into President Erdogan’s family and members...

Kosovo joins EU’s COSME

The European Union’s Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Programme (COSME) has welcomed SMEs and entrepreneurs from Kosovo. They can now participate...

US tax reform worries Europeans

The draft US tax reform bill contains measures that could unfairly disadvantage European business, according to the finance ministers of Germany, France, the UK,...

More Turks seek asylum in Greece

Thirty-two Turkish citizens applied for asylum in Greece last week, according Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency and Greece’s Kathimerini newspaper. The group includes academics, teachers...

MEPs renew call to end hostilities against Rohingya

The European Parliament has renewed its call on the military and security forces in Myanmar to immediately cease the killings, harassment and rape of...

