Does the Hungarian PM Orbán question the Cyprus problem?

Organization of Turkic States @Turkic_States
Family Photo of the The Informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha, Azerbaijan – 6 July 2024.

After a visit to Ukraine, which resulted in an insult to Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression, and a meeting with Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán participated at the informal summit of the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) in Shusha on 5-6 July.

However, the Hungarian Prime Minister cannot represent the EU despite Hungary serving the European Council’s rotating presidency until December 31 2024.

His previous visits, including his participation in the Shusha event, were within the framework of the bilateral relations between Hungary and this Organisation.

“Hungary is now the EU Member State serving the rotating presidency of the Council until December 31 2024. That does not entail any external representation of the Union, which is the responsibility of the President of the European Council at the Head of State or Government level and of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy at the Ministerial level,” stated the EU High Representative Josep Borrell, on July 6.

The Statement emphasised that Hungary has not received any mandate from the EU Council to advance its relations with the Organisation of Turkic States.

“The European Union rejects the attempts by the Organisation of Turkic States to legitimise the Turkish Cypriot secessionist entity, the so-called, internationally not recognised, ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ as an observer in the Organisation of Turkic States. This decision, pending ratification of the Organisation’s members, is regrettable and contradicts the fact that several members of the Organisation expressed strong support for the principle of territorial integrity and the UN Charter,” the Statement says.

“The EU has repeatedly made it clear, including at the highest political level, that it recognises only the Republic of Cyprus as a subject of international law, in accordance with the respective UN Security Council Resolutions”.

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