Dutch government confirms new restrictions for ASML’s exports to China

Public Domain Author: A ansems
Corporate headquarters of ASML in Veldhoven, Netherlands.

ASML received clarifications from the Dutch government that in order to provide spare parts and software updates for computer chipmaking equipment to China it will have to get a license.

The Dutch government added two additional tools on its list of export restriction materials over security concerns. The decision on the restrictions was taken following a coordinated policy with the United States. The government released on Tuesday a clarification about what falls under this new round of restrictions.

Dutch company ASML is Europe’s largest technology firm and its exports are closely monitored for security reasons. The company is the leading firm of lithography tools used by chipmakers for circuitry of chips.

China complained against the decision and appealed on Dutch-Chinese economical cooperation to break the ban. The Dutch government started to add restrictions on ASML’s export already in 2023, in part due to concerns over China’s support for Russia in the Ukrainian war. ASML had told already in 2023 to Chinese customers to not expect import licences for its most advanced DUV tools after 2024.
Recently during an event in New York, ASML CEO Christophe Fouquet said that he doesn’t expect the restriction against China to go away in the foreseeable future, seeing the issue as “bipartisan” and likely not effected by the outcome of the US presidential election in November. Fouquet also believes that the Dutch government will not align with the US in case of future restrictions.

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