The EU issues new rules to make it easier for persons with disabilities to travel in the EU by ensuring access to special conditions, including parking, in all member states.
The proposed directive introduces an EU-wide Disability Card. It revamps the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities to ensure that, when travelling for a short period, they have access to the same special conditions as those residing in that member state, including access to parking.
Persons with disabilities regularly encounter barriers when travelling or visiting another member state, as their disability status is not consistently recognised across the EU.
Both cards will be for EU citizens whose member states recognise their disability status and rights, including their family members and those accompanying or assisting them. To ensure third country nationals who reside in the EU are covered, the Commission put forward a complementary proposal.
The Employment and Social Affairs Committee unanimously adopted its position on the proposed law by 39 votes in favour, no votes against and no abstentions.
Free of charge, format, and deadlines
MEPs propose that the disability card be issued or renewed within 60 days of someone applying for it and the parking card within 30 days. They also introduce the option of requesting a digital version of the parking card to be ready in 15 days.
MEPs propose that both cards would be available in physical and digital format and free of charge. They also want the rules and conditions to apply for the card to be available in accessible formats, in national and international sign languages, braille, and easily understandable language.
Recognition of disability status for work, study, and Erasmus+
To ensure access to benefits and social assistance for those working or studying in another member state, MEPs amended the proposal to temporarily protect European Disability Card holders who move to another member state for work or study until their status is formally recognised, including those travelling for an EU mobility programme, such as Erasmus+.
Access to information
MEPs call on member states and the Commission to raise awareness about the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities, including by setting up a website with information on obtaining, using and renewing the cards in all EU languages and national and international sign language.
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová (Renew, SK), rapporteur, said: “With the adoption of this crucial piece of legislation, persons with disabilities are a step closer to having freedom of movement within the EU. We are on track to finalise the new law in just a few months, which shows our will to deliver for persons with disabilities who have waited many years for this legislation. The directive was endorsed by all political parties and we will do our utmost to move swiftly in the upcoming negotiations with the Council, so people can benefit from the cards as soon as possible.”
Once the draft position is endorsed by the full house during the January plenary session, negotiations with the Council on the final form of the law can begin. Member states already agreed on their position.
European Disability Forum welcomes Parliament’s position
The position reflects the demands of persons with disabilities. It means that negotiations between the EU institutions on the final text can begin, the final phase of the EU decision-making procedure, the European Disability Forum noted in a press release.
“We thank the European Parliament for actively involving organisations of persons with disabilities while drafting it”.
EDF especially welcomed the demand for the European Disability Card to grant temporary access to allowances, support and social security when moving for work and study, the provisions to access support when taking part in EU Mobility Programmes and the proposal to reduce the time of transposition and implementation of the European Disability Card – the Card must not take too long to become a reality.
“We thank MEP Nicholsonová and all the Members of the European Parliament involved in advancing our demands in this file – the European Parliament proves, once again, to be on the side of persons with disabilities. We now ask for a strong and speedy agreement that ensures persons with disabilities can use these Cards as soon as possible!” said Yannis Vardakastanis, President of the European Disability Forum.