EU countries at work to restart diplomatic relations with Afghanistan

A group of burqa-wearing women in Herat, Afghanistan.

European countries may be on the verge of reopening diplomatic relations with Afghanistan, a move that could potentially lead to a recognition of Taliban rule over the country, three years after they reconquered Kabul, according to Bloomberg.

Following the evacuation of Kabul by US and allied troops in 2021 no European country had a diplomatic representation in the country, with most countries following affairs in Afghanistan from their embassies in Qatar. The European Union has a delegation in the country, however according to official statement, the presence “does not bestow any legitimacy” on Taliban rule. Despite this, Brussels seems to be shifting its stance towards the need of a more official physical presence in order to conduct humanitarian aid projects.

Italy seems to be the first EU country moving towards normalising diplomatic relations. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani confirmed that Italy conducted a reconnaissance mission in the country with its ambassador and its intelligence service. However, he also recognised the difficulties still present: “there are human rights problems. The solution is very complicated, it will take time,” he said on the sidelines of a NATO meeting in Washington.

Another country that publicly acknowledged a possible restart of diplomacy is Spain. Its Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said in an interview that “as soon as there are minimum security conditions, we’ll send our ambassador back.” Albares added that they were ready a month ago, but an ISIS terrorist attack in the country killed three Spanish nationals and put a halt to the project.

Security concerns are also slowing down the UK in reopening its embassy and starting diplomatic relations. The Foreign and Commonwealth and Development office is open to diplomatic presence in Afghanistan once the security situation will allow it.

In Germany in recent weeks there was a debate over how to return Afghan asylum seekers who committed crimes as Germany doesn’t have diplomatic relationships with the country at the moment. Despite the impasse, the country is not considering reopening its embassy yet.

Finally, France doesn’t have immediate plans to reopen its embassy, but a senior official told Bloomberg that the current situation with no relations can’t continue indefinitely.

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