The European Green Party has elected Ska Keller of the German Greens Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Bas Eickhout of the Dutch Greens GroenLinks as the leading candidates (spitzenkandidaten) ahead of the European elections in May. The vote was held at the European Greens’ Council in Berlin.
Bas Eickhout is a Member of the European Parliament and Ska Keller is the current co-president of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament.
Shortly after the winners were declared, Ska Keller made the following comment:
“I’m very grateful and honoured to be elected as lead candidate of the EGP. As Greens, we have a big responsibility in the upcoming elections. Europe is under attack from far-right parties, some in government, who want to go back to nationalism and curb civil liberties and democracy.
“As Greens, we stand to defend Europe and its values. We want to make Europe more ecological, social and democratic so that it can fulfil its promises. There is much at stake at the coming elections. As Greens we will show that we can lead with a positive vision of Europe. These times need courage and we stand ready.”
Bas Eickhout commented as follows:
“It’s time for change. I stand for a strong Europe, that has to be for the people who live and work here. A Europe that takes action against climate change. That’s the Europe I want to work for.
“For too long, Europe has been in the grip of multinationals that seek profit, growth and competition above all else. This has been at the expense of a social Europe, one that invests in people and welcomes values everyone’s participation. It’s time for change, time for a Europe where everyone counts. A Europe that cares for people, not multinationals.”