Eurostat report shows Poland as a European power in road transport Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

In 2023, Poland reaffirmed its position as one of Europe’s most important countries for road transport, according to a new report from Eurostat. While the significance of road transport in freight slightly decreased last year, Poland still accounted for one-fifth of transport, with trucks travelling between Poland and Germany transporting the second-largest volume of goods within the EU.

The report indicated that Poland’s share of all tonne-kilometres was 20.3%, placing it first, with Germany at 15.4% and Spain at 14.2%. Polish transporters played a vital role in transporting goods between EU members, dominating 13 out of 20 critical intra-EU transport connections between Member States and being the origin or destination country for four of the seven connections with the most significant volumes. Despite remaining in first place, the Polish road transport sector experienced a slight decline in 2023 compared to 2022. Eurostat noted that the increase in road transport in Europe in 2022 was due to the rebound from the pandemic.

Additionally, the report highlighted that Germany plays the most crucial role in transporting goods by road within the EU, with the most significant volume of goods being transported between Germany and the Netherlands, followed by the second-largest flow between Germany and Poland.

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