Marine Le Pen targets France’s armed forces

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Marine Le Pen and Vladimir Putin in Moscow on 24 March 2017.

Marine Le Pen, the de facto leader of the far-right National Rally in France, revealed another dangerous plan her party has if it wins the French legislative elections. In an interview with the French “Le Télégramme”, Le Pen, an ally of Vladimir Putin, questioned the constitutional role of the President of the Republic as the “chief of the armies”.

The far-right leader provided a new interpretation of the powers of the President, suggesting that for the President, “Chief of the Armed Forces” is an honorary title since the Prime Minister has effective control. If she wins, Le Pen proposed the 28-year-old and inexperienced Jordan Bardella, appointed President of her party, for the Prime Minister position.

Sébastien Lecornu, Defence Minister, replied to Le Pen’s declarations, saying that the Constitution is not honorary.

He further quoted a speech by General de Gaulle in 1962.

“According to the Constitution, the President is, in fact, a guarantor. Do you understand correctly? – guarantor of the independence and integrity of the country, as well as the treaties that bind it. In short, he answers for France. On the other hand, it is up to him to ensure the continuity of the State and the functioning of powers. In short, he answers for the Republic. To carry these supreme responsibilities, the Head of State needs adequate means. The Constitution gives them to him. (…). In the essential areas of foreign policy and national security, he is required to take direct action, since under the Constitution, he negotiates and concludes treaties, since he is the head of the armies since he presides to the defence”.

However, it is not a question of interpretation or a game of words. The matter is serious as it impacts the control of the better-equipped defence forces in the EU, including nuclear power.

Interviewed by “Le Télégramme”, Jean-Yves Le Drian, former Minister of Defence under François Hollande and former Minister of Foreign Affairs under Emmanuel Macron, said Marine Le Pen “either sins through ignorance of the reality of the Constitution and the practice of the institutions of the Fifth Republic since 1958, or pretends to ignore it with the intention of contravening it. In both cases, it is serious.”

The former minister explained that the French President is responsible for military operations and nuclear deterrence under article 5 of the Constitution,” Jean-Yves Le Drian emphasised.

Three days before the elections, Le Pen polarises the political climate in France, irresponsibly playing with the institutions.  

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