Parliament: The EU must continue to support Ukraine

© European Union 2024 - Source : EP-170515E Photographer: Laurie DIEFFEMBACQ

Amid Russia’s war on Ukraine, the European Parliament reaffirmed its support for Kyiv until victory. The resolution, adopted with 495 votes in favour, emphasises MEPs’ backing for Ukraine’s independence and calls on the EU to continue military assistance. It also urges maintaining and expanding sanctions against Russia and Belarus, and addressing sanctions evasion by EU-based entities and other countries.

Russian state-owned assets frozen by the EU

MEPs restate their firm belief that Russia should compensate Ukraine for the damage it has caused. They support the EU’s recent efforts to use money from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine’s war efforts. They also want a transparent legal process for confiscating Russian state-owned assets frozen by the EU. The Parliament also welcomes the results of the recent NATO summit and confirms that Ukraine is on a definite path to NATO membership. MEPs urge the EU and its member states to increase military support to Ukraine for as long as necessary and in whatever way is needed. They also call on the European Commission to suggest long-term financial aid for Ukraine’s reconstruction, drawing on the experience of the newly established Ukraine Facility.

Orbán blatantly violates the EU’s foreign policy

The Parliament strongly condemns Russia’s barbaric missile attack on the Okhmadyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv. It also criticises the recent visit of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Russia, stating that this visit violates the EU’s treaties and common foreign policy. The text calls for Hungary to face consequences for these actions. The resolution points out that the so-called “peace mission” by the Hungarian Prime Minister was followed immediately by the children’s hospital attack, indicating the futility of Orbán’s alleged peace efforts.

The Parliamentary Resolution also supports Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO and urges the European Commission to propose long-term financial assistance for its reconstruction.

Groups support Ukraine

MEPs from the EPP group, who proposed the resolution, welcomed the results of the MEP’s voting.

“The fate of Europe is being decided on Ukrainian soil, and our freedom is being paid for with Ukrainian blood. Russia’s war against Ukraine is part of a broader assault on the democratic world and our values. We need to increase our military support to Ukraine for as long as necessary and in whatever is required,” emphasised Andrzej Halicki MEP, EPP Group Vice-Chairman in charge of foreign policy.

“We believe that the EU’s enlargement and Ukraine’s integration into the EU and NATO present geostrategic and democratic opportunities and are investments in a strong and united Europe. It’s time to end the existence of grey zones in Europe and Putin’s veto over other countries’ future. A full commitment to the accession process is needed now in order to conclude negotiations and achieve accession by the end of this decade,” added Andrius Kubilius MEP.

During the debate, S&D leader Iratxe García reaffirmed the EU’s full support for Ukraine, denounced Russia’s violation of international law and the UN Charter, and condemned the collusion of right-wing extremists with Orbán.

“We are witnessing the complicity of the far right in this Parliament with Putin. A few days ago, the most visible head of the new group of false Patriots, Orbán, met with Putin to defame the European Union, to proclaim that he has a peace plan that nobody knows about and to promote Russian expansionism. Are the Russian bombings of innocent human beings the values upheld by false Patriots and tyrants who violate international law and ally themselves with Putin?” said S&D Group leader Iratxe Garcia.

“We will support Ukraine until Putin stops his crimes with the confiscation of the 200 billion euros of Russian public assets tied up for its armament and reconstruction. And we will support Ukraine until its aspirations to decide its own destiny as a member of the European Union are realised,” she added.

In a debate on more and better support for Ukraine during the first session of the newly elected European Parliament, ECR Co-Chairman Joachim Brudziński reiterated his conservative group’s complete and unwavering support for the country under attack from Russia. He pointed to Poland, which has made great efforts across society to take in Ukrainian refugees and provide military support to Ukraine. If Vladimir Putin is not defeated militarily, Russian weapons will soon be on the EU’s borders, threatening its heartland, Brudziński pointed out.

“We face a choice: do we just want an end to this war, or do we want Ukraine to win? A Ukrainian defeat will lead to a battle-hardened and war-hungry Russian army reaching our borders. If this happens, Russia will immediately escalate the threat by deploying nuclear weapons and troops right on our borders. As a result, Russia will mobilise its forces, consolidate control, and prepare for another invasion.”

“We have the means to stop this aggressor, he said. The EU should invest more in the defence industrial base of Member States to provide Ukraine with regular resources in the form of financial, military, and humanitarian aid until Russia is defeated and Ukraine’s territorial integrity is restored.

The resolution, supported and shaped by the Renew Europe Group, notes that military assistance provided by the EU and the US remains insufficient.

“It is meaningful that the inaugural act of the new European Parliament is to stand united with the brave people of Ukraine. Ukraine’s security is Europe’s security. We expect the nominee for the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to heed our call for immediate action to enhance Europe’s strategic autonomy, a defence Commissioner and urgent proposals to deliver a true Defence Union. We must prepare for the possibility that international support for Ukraine may waiver and act accordingly. It is time for Europe to take its security into its own hands, with means and not just words, commented Valérie Hayer, President of Renew Europe.

“Today, we reiterate that the position of the European Parliament and other EU institutions is not that of Prime Minister Orbán… Prime Minister Orbán’s actions are a blatant violation, and there must be consequences. It is time to reign in Victor Orbán’s rogue Presidency of the Council. We will continue to urge the nominee for the President of the Commission to defend the Rule of Law in Europe, including through the application of Article 7.”

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