Russia can no longer claim to protect the international system’s security, says Polish President Duda

Credit UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Polish President Andrzej Duda warned in his speech on Monday morning at the “Summit for the Future” in New York that the international order based on the UN Charter is under serious threat. He believes global multilateralism is not functioning well in many areas and needs reform.

The Summit aims to establish a “Pact for the Future” enhancing international cooperation in addressing new global challenges.

“We cannot accept a situation in which those who undermine the order based on the United Nations Charter are gaining power,” the President stated. He highlighted Russia’s aggression against Ukraine as a “striking” example of this.

“As a permanent member of the Security Council, Russia should support both the UN Charter and international law. However, by attacking a sovereign state, Russia abandoned this obligation. It can no longer claim to protect the security of the international system and other nations,” the Polish President said.

The President emphasised the need to enhance the effectiveness of the United Nations system. He stated that strengthening international law is crucial for restoring faith in multilateralism and maintaining peace and security. Despite reservations about the UN system, he emphasised that there is no better alternative to multilateralism. Andrzej Duda added that today’s global challenges are complex and require collective action as they cannot be faced alone at the individual state level.

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