S&Ds stand by Hungarian people, democracy and rule of law

© European Union 2024 - Source : EP-173173A Photographer: Philippe STIRNWEISS

Before the plenary debate on the programme of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council, the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament criticised Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In a press briefing, they accused him of using a continuous campaign against the European Union to divert attention from his failures in serving the Hungarian people. They pointed out that under his leadership, the Hungarian economy is struggling, corruption is widespread, and households’ purchasing power is one of the lowest in the EU.

They also highlighted the exploitation of workers under the so-called ‘Slave Law’ and the systematic dismantling of democracy and the rule of law by Prime Minister Orbán.

The Socialists and Democrats urged the EU Commission and member states not to yield to Orbán’s pressure tactics. They emphasised that the European Council should not allow a government with close ties to Vladimir Putin to influence EU foreign policy, hinder the decision-making process, or damage the EU’s reputation on the global stage. 

“Mr Orbán, your main contribution to the European Union since you came to power in 2010 has been the formation of a new far-right group – the false patriots. And you have used your false patriotism to demolish democracy, thrive in corruption and violate the rights of those who do not think like you,” Iratxe García Pérez, S&D Group leader, said.

“Your false patriotism has come at a high cost for the progress of the Hungarian people: the end of judicial independence and press freedom, persecution under your ‘sovereignty law’, a working class exploited under the ‘slavery law’, purchasing power among the lowest in the European Union, one of the highest inflation rates in the Union, a non-existent social protection system and a tax policy that benefits multinationals while citizens pay the highest VAT in the entire European Union,” highlighted S&Ds leader. 

“The EPP, under Weber’s leadership, should never have opened the door to Orbán’s authoritarian drift. I call all pro-European and democratic forces to go beyond a mere diplomatic boycott – and to defend ourselves from trojan horses like Mr Orbán with measures such as blocking European funds and suspending voting rights in the Council,” Iratxe García Pérez added.

Klára Dobrev, head of the Hungarian delegation and S&D MEP, said that

“Viktor Orbán has betrayed our common European values, Viktor Orbán has betrayed Hungary. He is a traitor; thus, he is not the president of Europe; he was never and will never be its president because he is not worthy of it.”

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