Tag: asylum seekers

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Hard times for LGBTQI asylum seekers in Sweden

Are LGBTQI asylum seekers facing discrimination in Sweden? According to lawyer Joakim Lundqvist, stereotypical assumptions among migration officials impede LGBTQI refugees to get asylum...

#Ride4Justice to raise awareness of those trapped in Libya

On Monday, a group of refugees on bicycles will arrive at Schuman in Brussels to raise awareness of the situation of asylum seekers currently...

Sunday’s vote crucial for Finland’s future

Sunday’s vote is crucial for Finland’s future since no clear winner is expected to emerge. According to the polls political parties’ score will be...

Antti Rinne: Unsuccessful asylum seekers should be allowed to stay in Finland

Unsuccessful asylum seekers in Finland should be integrated into the labour force said the leader of the Socialdemocrats. During a debate between party leaders ahead...

Parliament rejects using EU funds for “controlled centres”

The European Parliament rejected on Wednesday providing EU funds to member states for the provision of services in “controlled centres” for migrants. Plenary backed two...


Portugal’s PM faces possible no confidence vote

Portugal risks heading into a third general election in...

Italy’s Leonardo and Turkey’s Baykar sign a partnership for unmanned technologies

On 6 March, an important Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)...

EPPO charges 100 Greek livestock farmers with fraud involving agricultural funds

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Athens, Greece,...
