Tag: EPP

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Germany’s Weber on EMF and Brexit

Turning the European bailout fund (ESM) into a European Monetary Fund (EMF) should be a priority, according to German conservative Manfred Weber, who is...

Brexit: First step done, but clarity on future needed says Manfred Weber

"We welcome the agreement reached between the British government and EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier. This is an important and necessary step in the...

S&Ds call to fulfil the commitments made under the European Social Pillar

Today, the Socialists and Democrats led a majority in the European Parliament to defend a report aiming at improving working conditions and establishing new...

EP: Measures to improve EU response to the terrorist threat

Europol should become a true “hub” for information exchange and cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism at EU level, if necessary with a stronger...

EPP: Concrete action to win against terrorists

The EPP Group wants to ensure that Member States share information, terrorism financing is blocked, and victims and their families are protected, among other...


EU starts monitoring Apple over interoperability updates

The European Commission started two proceedings to help US...

UK wins EU dispute over tax scheme

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)...

Austrian MEP reminds Orbán’s special taxes on foreign companies

During the debate in the European Parliament with the...
