Tag: Israel

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European Greens: Israel, Stop the killing!

Israeli forces killed over 50 Palestinians and wounded thousands on Monday during a demonstration against the Israeli blockade of Gaza and the controversial opening of the...

S&D President calls for avoiding further loss of life in Gaza

The S&D Group calls for an immediate end to violence and condemns the loss of Palestinian lives in the Gaza Strip. About 60 Palestinians...

Czech, Romanian block EU statement on US Jerusalem embassy

The preparation of a joint European Union statement critical of the forthcoming relocation of the United States embassy to Jerusalem, has been blocked by...

GUE/NGL: Trump’s Jerusalem move flouts international law & human rights

GUE/NGL strongly condemns President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, thus legitimising Israel’s apartheid policies against Palestinian Jerusalemites. Trump’s decision undermines...

Germany committed to Iran deal

Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has confirmed that the 2015 Iran deal is “the right way” to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon....


Henna Virkkunen, the next Finland’s Commissioner

"On July 4, the Finnish government nominated Henna Virkkunen...

The EU and member states react to Orbán’s visit to Moscow

On July 1, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whose...

Tesla gets qualified ok to expand factory near Berlin

The US electric vehicle giant Tesla has been given...

UN’s FAO report: World food prices remain stable in June

The latest report from the Food and Agriculture Organization...
