Tag: S&D

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S&D MEP Robert Biedroń refused entry into Belarus at Minsk airport

Today in the late afternoon, Robert Biedroń MEP (Poland, S&D), chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with Belarus was denied entry into...

S&Ds: “Serious, sustained and systemic breach of the rule of law in Poland”

Today, the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs overwhelmingly voted in favour of a report criticising the continuing deterioration of democracy, the...

A koronavírus nem lehet ürügy a demokrácia felfüggesztésére

A Szocialisták és Demokraták Frakciója az Európai Parlamentben elítéli Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök szándékát, amelyet a Covid-19 vírus leple alatt próbál elfogadtatni és amely korlátlan...

S&Ds: For an MFF that works for the people

The next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021 - 2027 is crucial for the proper functioning of the EU. In a vote today, in Plenary, S&D...

S&Ds: “EU must use all available instruments to put pressure on Ankara”

In a statement in the European Parliament Plenary today, S&D vice-president Kati Piri called for an immediate EU response in reaction to the start...


New scandal involves MEPs and Chinese tech giant Huawei in Brussels

Belgian prosecutors announced on Thursday that they've arrested several...

Uzbekistan on Trial: Radha Stirling on the Crisis of Trust in the Judiciary

Earlier this year, Uzbekistan found itself at the centre...

US flaunts harsh new sanctions in case Russia refuses ceasefire

The United States is considering slapping Russia with new...

Parliament urges the EU to ensure its own security

On Wednesday, Parliament adopted a resolution with 419 votes...
