Tag: sustainability

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S&Ds condemn conservative give away towards the finance-industrial lobby

The S&D Group voted last night in the economic and monetary affairs committee against a narrow-gauged liberal-conservative proposal on the establishment of a framework...

Breakthrough in Europe for sustainable investments

Good news for European citizens and the environment: Last night, S&D Euro MP Paul Tang negotiated for the European Parliament with the Council a...

Udo Bullmann: We want a new social contract for sustainability in Europe

The leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Udo Bullmann, was present on Friday, February 22, in the PES congress together...

European Greens: For Green and progressive change in Europe

The European Green Party has elected Ska Keller of the German Greens Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Bas Eickhout of the Dutch Greens GroenLinks as...

EU needs to do more to protect seas, oceans

European Union member states are not doing enough to protect the marine environment. According to a new European Commission, measures currently in place are...


Netherlands House of Representatives resolution calls for Taiwan’s representation in the UN

The Dutch House of Representatives passed a resolution on...

Sikorski and Blinken reiterate that Poland and the US are key partners in security

Today, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in...

Chinese intelligence recruits academics through Linkedin, Czech report reveals

The Czech Security and Information Service (BIS) has issued...

Budapest ready to sue European Commission for reimbursement of border protection costs

At a press conference on Thursday, September 22, Viktor...
