Tag: Sweden

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PES health ministers on healthcare for all

Providing the highest standards of public health for all Europeans is a priority, agreed health ministers affiliated with the Party of European Socialists (PES)....

Why is interpersonal security not a priority for Europe?

On 27 February, the LIBE Committee (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) and the FEMM committee (Women’s Rights and Gender Equality) in the European...

More Swedes at risk of poverty

An increasing number of Swedes is at risk of poverty, according to the findings of a new survey released by Statistics Sweden on February...

Sweden gets new authority to counter disinformation

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced the creation of a “psychological defence” to counter disinformation and boost the population’s resilience. He was speaking at...

EU migrant survey: a ‘sad wake up call’

Migrants in five European Union countries – Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Sweden – struggle with particularly bad housing conditions and low life satisfaction,...


Netherlands House of Representatives resolution calls for Taiwan’s representation in the UN

The Dutch House of Representatives passed a resolution on...

Sikorski and Blinken reiterate that Poland and the US are key partners in security

Today, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in...

Chinese intelligence recruits academics through Linkedin, Czech report reveals

The Czech Security and Information Service (BIS) has issued...

Budapest ready to sue European Commission for reimbursement of border protection costs

At a press conference on Thursday, September 22, Viktor...
