Tag: Vladimir Putin

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More Russians applying for asylum in US

A record number of Russians are reportedly applying for asylum in the United States. The latest data show that 2,664 new applications were submitted...

Exclusive interview: Vital Rymasheuski criticises EU for ‘lack of determined political position’ on Belarus

Belarus is quite possibly the lesser known of all European countries, despite its close relations with the European Union. The reason for this is...

Merkel wants ‘clarity’ on Ukraine’s role in Nord Stream 2

German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on April 10 that the Nord Stream 2 project cannot go ahead without clarity on Ukraine’s role as a...

EU still blames Russia for Salisbury chemical attack

An emergency meeting of the world's chemical weapons watchdog on April 5 heard the European Union argue that Russia was probably behind the Salisbury...

Trump Can’t Distract America from the Russia Scandal

In the almost two years since he became a public figure, Donald Trump has demonstrated one unique political skill-the ability to evade consequences for...


Netherlands House of Representatives resolution calls for Taiwan’s representation in the UN

The Dutch House of Representatives passed a resolution on...

Sikorski and Blinken reiterate that Poland and the US are key partners in security

Today, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in...

Chinese intelligence recruits academics through Linkedin, Czech report reveals

The Czech Security and Information Service (BIS) has issued...

Budapest ready to sue European Commission for reimbursement of border protection costs

At a press conference on Thursday, September 22, Viktor...
