Tag: Vladimir Putin

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EU statement on Russia’s presidential election

Russia should address the violations and shortcomings reported by the election observation mission (EOM) from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights...

Greens: Another six years of autocratic leadership on Europe’s doorstep

Vladmir Putin will serve a fourth term as Russian president. Officially his vote share in an election in which strong opposition had not been...

Critics cry foul over alleged voter fraud in Russia

Vladimir Putin celebrated a victory in the March 18 presidential election, securing another six years at the helm. But the country’s opposition activists and...

How Russia is ‘testing’ UK

Russia is testing the United Kingdom’s resolve and diplomatic links. According to Lithuania’s foreign minister Russian President Vladimir Putin sees the UK as increasingly...

Italy’s Berlusconi says his ‘talents of friendly relations’ ended Cold War

In the run up to the March 4 elections in Italy, former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi on February 15 has taken credit for ending...


Netherlands House of Representatives resolution calls for Taiwan’s representation in the UN

The Dutch House of Representatives passed a resolution on...

Sikorski and Blinken reiterate that Poland and the US are key partners in security

Today, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in...

Chinese intelligence recruits academics through Linkedin, Czech report reveals

The Czech Security and Information Service (BIS) has issued...

Budapest ready to sue European Commission for reimbursement of border protection costs

At a press conference on Thursday, September 22, Viktor...
