Tag: women

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Estonia: the far-right represents a threat to the rule of law

The Centre Party leader and Prime Minister Jüri Ratas had a first taste of the kind of problems the Estonian far-right party could create...

Dutch far-right on the rise after the terrorist attack in Utrecht

Alarm warning after the provincial elections of March 20 in the Netherlands. The coalition government known as the Third Rutte cabinet seems to risk...

EU should do more to support gender equality

The EU should do more to promote democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights across the EU, putting particular emphasis on supporting gender equality. Civil...

Guatemala must combat corruption and impunity

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution taking stock of corruption in Guatemala. MEPs express their deep concern at the increased number of killings,...

Post: EU must remain committed to its role as a global actor for peace

Today, the European Parliament adopted a report drafted by the S&D MEP Soraya Post calling for the reinforcement of the institutional and financial capacities...


Netherlands House of Representatives resolution calls for Taiwan’s representation in the UN

The Dutch House of Representatives passed a resolution on...

Sikorski and Blinken reiterate that Poland and the US are key partners in security

Today, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in...

Chinese intelligence recruits academics through Linkedin, Czech report reveals

The Czech Security and Information Service (BIS) has issued...

Budapest ready to sue European Commission for reimbursement of border protection costs

At a press conference on Thursday, September 22, Viktor...
