TikTok takes down reward scheme after EU protest


TikTok agreed to collaborate with European authorities in the first case that involves the brand-new Digital Services Act (DSA), by withdrawing a reward scheme from a version of its app.

The Chinese-owned social media launched last April in Spain and France the low-bandwidth version of the app called TikTok Lite. The app included a reward scheme that gave users points after watching videos for one hour, liking content, following creators or inviting friends. One hour video watching could earn points up to one euro. Points could then be exchanged for prizes like Amazon vouchers or gift cards on PayPal.

The Commission opened immediately an investigation on the app, saying that TikTok didn’t conduct due diligence on the effects of the programme, especially concerning minors. TikTok stated that the programme was strictly for users aged 18 and older. However, the Commission still considered the programme to possibly cause addiction and was unconvinced about the age limitation due to TikTok’s lack of strong age restrictions.

“Design features on platforms with addictive effects put the well-being of their users at risk,” commented European Commissioner for digital affairs Margrethe Vestager in a statement on the issue.

TikTok voluntary withdrew the reward scheme from TikTok Lite and vowed to not add it again nor to add a similar programme in future version of its app in the European Union. The EU considers the withdrawal as binding, and the Commission will ensure that TikTok will respect its commitment.

The investigation under the DSA started once TikTok failed to provide a risk assessment report over TikTok Lite. The Commission already in April informed TikTok of its intention of potentially ban TikTok Lite’s reward scheme in the EU.

Under the DSA, the EU can ask so-called Very Large Online Platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, to perform risk assessment before launching new features and the Commission can demand mitigating measures to address potential breaches of safety.

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