European Interest

Voting in Estonia starts on 16 May

A view of Tallin, the capital of Estonia.

Internet voting in Estonia starts on 16 May. It is possible to vote for candidates in the European elections online until 22 May. Read more. Nine political parties and five independent candidates are running for the EU elections. Estonia has 6 seats in the European Parliament.

The electoral system has no threshold for access to the EP. However according to the latest polls it is expected that only four parties will win seats.

The Estonian Reform Party of Kaja Kallas, it is expected to elect 2 MEPs while the Estonian Center Party of the Prime Minister Jüri Ratas, the Social Democrats of Estonia and the far-right  Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE), which is a partner of the coalition government, 1 seat each.

Estonian citizens are not particularly interested in the EU elections: turnout in 2014 was 36.52%.

Voting in foreign missions takes place on 11-16 May, and advance voting on 16-22 May. The elections in Estonia take place on 26 May.

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